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These days, organizations rely on more than one application to support their business processes. And software systems used by an organization need to be integrated together in order to best support and optimize these processes.

Organizations in planning- and scheduling-intensive industries often use multiple applications with ERP at a core to optimize the production and distribution processes. Each Business Application has its own features and functions, but there is a definite overlap between them. When these applications integrate with each other, they can deliver optimized business operations and increased Return On Investment (ROI).

Growing list of Business Applications integrated being with Laconic Technology cloud ERP solutions:

Business Applications integration

EMaker logo
Application Development Platform for seamless integration.​
Human Resources covering recruitment, selection, training, retention and other HR components and salary, insurance, benefit, income tax and foreign worker management applications
Intelligent POS logo
Smart Retail “POS”
Business Intelligence (BI)
Real TIme Locating System (RTLS)
Real Time Locating System (RTLS)
Data Storage
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

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